Behavioural Assessment

In our various audits we are able to include the behavioral assessment, following the “Behavioral Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators, by the OCIMF 2018.

Competencies or soft skills can be difficult to define and assess, so this document set out in the following section provides a common language and understanding of the types of behaviours expected in order to ensure successful performance in different levels and tasks.

Whether or not someone displays a particular competency will depend on their ability (do they know how to act in that way?) and their motivation (do they desire to act in that way?), as well as the opportunity (when or in what situations they can demonstrate that behaviour). This assessment is limited in time and opportunities. It should be understood as a snapshot and not as a full in-depth personal assessment. Further behavioural assessments on board and assessments ashore, for example during simulator training courses, will show development and will be more expressive and meaningful over time. In general, behavioural competencies apply to all seafarers. Good communication, situation awareness and accountability are elements that all officers should demonstrate. However, the level depends on the rank, e.g. different level of leadership is expected from the Master compared to a Second Officer.

Behavioral Assessment – Master (page 1of 5)